Thats why i say, within recent time.
Notice this thread is about a question, I ask. Which you would imagine some people will answer. I have an update about it, that is new news and I believe those who participate will appreciate.
within recent time, two gilead instructors were sent out of paterson.
these men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main instructors.
they each had double digit years of instructing experience.
Thats why i say, within recent time.
Notice this thread is about a question, I ask. Which you would imagine some people will answer. I have an update about it, that is new news and I believe those who participate will appreciate.
within recent time, two gilead instructors were sent out of paterson.
these men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main instructors.
they each had double digit years of instructing experience.
The Instructors left around the same time, within weeks.
within recent time, two gilead instructors were sent out of paterson.
these men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main instructors.
they each had double digit years of instructing experience.
Sorry W.L. is probably approaching 50 and the other brother L.B. was much younger. NWT and some doctrines were the concern.......................
Age could not be the issue because they were younger than the Instructors that exist now. They left Bethel entirely, at the time---we started hearing many morning worships on Mercy. Rumor has it, that they went easy on them.
within recent time, two gilead instructors were sent out of paterson.
these men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main instructors.
they each had double digit years of instructing experience.
Within recent time, two Gilead Instructors were sent out of Paterson. These men both were experienced and trained well, in fact they were the main Instructors. They each had double digit years of instructing experience. Question: Why do you think they were both sent away at the same time and disheartened?
there was a morning worship a few days ago where the gb member spoke about false security.
he stated that many people look to social security and pensions for their security and how unwise that is.
There was a morning worship a few days ago where the GB member spoke about false security. He stated that many people look to Social Security and pensions for their security and how unwise that is. I wonder what prompted his comments, perhaps the recession?
Now, we all understand that Bethelites do not have any social security, a pension plan, in fact they do not have health insurance. However, in the branch manual it illudes to the fact that after a member has served at Bethel over 5 years, he will be cared for. Also, that was a common thought among Bethelites over the years. However, we see that this has changed or was an unwritten myth all along.
I am trying to understand how Religious Orders have the ability to keep volunteers as full-time workers and not be considered employees. I could understand it better if they took care of people or volunteers properly. However, I have seen first hand over the years that they often send people away with very little assistance if they are sick. For example, I had a fellow worker that got some bleach in his eye while working and he was told to leave. The poor guy barely had two quarters to rub together. He was encouraged to go and seek help from his family.
I wonder if the Government allows Religious Orders to function in this manner, because they think that they will do the right thing for people in the name of God and Love. For instance, when the article was presented in the newspaper about Brenda Upton (the sister that sued the society after she was hurt there) it was implied that the judge felt as though the workers at Watchtower; performed tasks that would fall under an employment relationship.
Basicly, you work at the Branch for 20-30 years, all the time- nothing is paid into social security. If you get hurt or sick, they just let you go with little assistance. (You may get a measure of help if they allow you to Special Pioneer, however, they may decide to take you off that someday) ---So then they just expect you to go and get help from the state, especially if you can't work due to health reasons.
With the new developments in Spain, do you think that we might see changes here in the United States, in this regard? Where is the best place to write to or inquire for change about this matter? Would the Social Security Department be a good starting point? Does anyone have any solid experiences to share?
I know some may say, "well they chose to go there, and so they have to deal with it," however, I don't think that a lot of the 19 year olds that go there, know how it really works, because they only know what they read in the literature, different story.
health and wellness is the new fad that is growing right now.
there is one supplement that starts with an ( i ) that is being promoted by many bethelites, pioneers, c.o.
's and friends at great proportion.
Health and Wellness is the new fad that is growing right now. There is one supplement that starts with an ( I ) that is being promoted by many Bethelites, Pioneers, C.O.'s and Friends at great proportion. It helps the Bethelites make a great income without using up a lot of vacation time. This just might be a good plan B from a life of uncertainty, and it could soften the boot kick. I think some Friends are learning from the top and packing in the cash that we will someday throw in the streets. At least, if they get pulled in by the Bethel finest, they can say, "I learned by watching you". Then again, that may not go over well.
i challenge anyone to prove the governing body exists!.
we who attended district conventions over the decades know they exist.. but if you've followed the thread at.
Well I have met and spoken to each one of these men directly, so I would be careful with that statement.
Here are a few tips for you though,
S.H. has military background- public records.
A.M. often talks about his business he use to have.
G.P. raised a family.
right now at bethel, they are laying off and reassigning again.
if you have cancer or some other illness, you are a liability and it's time to pack.
i remember the night when we had the special talk about there being a great need in the field and some would be sent out.
Right now at Bethel, they are laying off and reassigning again. If you have cancer or some other illness, you are a liability and it's time to pack. I remember the night when we had the special talk about there being a great need in the field and some would be sent out. That lecture sent everyone running in fear, you could see Watchtower's love and thankfulness in action. Eventually, you began to hear about the people being asked to leave. They basicly would have you come into a meeting and two brothers would tell you how wonderful you are, and how the field really needs you. They would give you two or three months to leave, however the sooner the better. I saw people go home sick for days over that mistreatment. They felt betrayed, confused, down trodden.
The two brothers would hide behind the Branch Committee, saying that is where each assignment originated. I believe that in the first round, they used overseers to determine the weaker links. (Missing morning worship, late to work, missing meetings, etc) Then on the second round, they came back and took out a lot of the overseers. Wow they are so clever with the stratergy. I wonder did they see that coming?
Now, they have to perfect system to get rid of people at will and justify it with "you are needed in the field". Consequently, this whole arrangement has opened the minds of many people. In fact, their were two couples in the first round that I will speak of, the white brother worked here at Patterson and was getting married to a Pioneer sister from the field. He had about 17 years and although he did not get accepted to stay. They assigned him and his wife to be, as Special Pioneers. However, there was a black couple that had both been at bethel for 18 years and they did not receive an assignment. He still is having trouble finding work and it has been over 3 years. How sad of a thing.
Right now I am seeing many Bethelites depressed, paranoid, distressed, and uncertain about their future. When I first went to Bethel, I really did think that everything was legit. However, it is nobody fault but mine.
Right now there is a case in point, where there is a white brother and a black brother that have received their walking papers ( both came in around the same time, 15 years ago, the white brother is going to Special Pioneer and the black brother has to figure something out on his own. Hopefully, his parents did not turn his bedroom into a guess room. What is 15 years of free service worth?
Years ago, we had a Monday night lecture about avoiding the "Corporate Spirit". Well now that is one of their main problems, they run that place like big business. At least in the world, the companies often give you a severence package. How can they run this place and give people such a raw deal in the name of love? Is this religion at its best? Am I suppose to believe that this is the work of God? Could what happened in Spain and Watchtower's response be an eye opener to the naive. Why do they keep going back and forth with this "Generation" and other matters? Does the light get brighter and grow dem again, and then get brighter? Is there a power struggle up in the ranks? Where is the promised end that started over 100 years ago? Could they be making it up as they go? Why do they go after everybody that speaks against them with lawsuits? Do they have something to hide? People spoke about Jesus, however, he was not concerned---because he knew the truth.
when i first came to bethel, the going reassurance was that if you stayed more than 5 years, you would be considered permanent.
many of the bethelites bought into the idea and stayed many years.
however, a few years back they had a test of faith.
Witness 007 - That sister did not win big money. She was initially awarded $400.00 a week by the first Judge that had a heart. She later lost the appeal I believe. Religious Orders do not have to pay workmans comp because of special status. I am not totally sure, however, I believe the state grants this because they think Religious Orders are excelling in love in the name of God. This misconception allows a loop hole to where they can silently mistreat people. I think if you are really concerned, you would have to address the department of state in Washington. I am looking into it and will be contacting them when I have all my facts together. For more information, go to and find the right department. If enough complaints are made, I think you might get a new look at this. Research what happened in Spain and it may give you some hope. A lot of the special pioneers that went though the wire are speaking out and discouraging Bethel Service. I had more than 15 years and I speak from pure experience. I went though all the back and forth feelings of maybe I am crazy or maybe I need to read more articles. However, when they made those inconsiderate actions, I had a moment of clarity.
I saw grown men and women crying. One brother was trying to hold on and procrastinate on his leaving. They literally packed him up and took him to his new haven. This was a 37 years of full time service man, that came in when he was 19 and thought he was doing the best thing. I think that people are starting to figure the system out. Basicly, what you have is a system that tells the flock to not be materialistic, send us your money for the worldwide work and help the brothers. (Now you see how they treat the brothers-do I need to explain any further, because I do have proof) Then they recently tell all the congregations to send us your money and we will keep it for, so they can get the interest.(More Money) Then you read in the paper that they are selling more buildings and building more buildings. Well my question is this, does it get any better than a system that bring in young boys, teach them skills to build your buildings, grow the corporation, and then send them home when you think they should be replaced by another fresh 19 year old. When you think about their money making system, what other company can do that------and make the people feel like its a privilege. I mean wake up people, who can afford to layoff free labor in the middle of the reccession and give them peanuts and can of soda.
Well, that's enough for one day. I could tell you so many case and points.....................Oh and here is another fruit they havem, if you figure out the stratergy or question the motive. They will disfellowship you, so no one will believe what you say. Boy are they smart........In Control
when i first came to bethel, the going reassurance was that if you stayed more than 5 years, you would be considered permanent.
many of the bethelites bought into the idea and stayed many years.
however, a few years back they had a test of faith.
When I first came to Bethel, the going reassurance was that if you stayed more than 5 years, you would be considered permanent. Many of the Bethelites bought into the idea and stayed many years. However, a few years back they had a test of faith. Many were asked to leave and return to their families. These were individuals that gave their best years and thought Bethel would see them through. Imagine, some of them spent 30+ years and now they had to leave and hopefully become a special pioneer. At least this way they would get $600 dollars a month to cover housing, food, etc. If they were married, this would be $1200.00
Actually, when they first implimented the mass departure, the going rate was $500.00, so evidently there has been a little raise. There have been boasts of Watchtower's great income over the years on top of free labor. So the dollar amount for the Pioneers is perhaps too light, do you think? Where in the United States can you live off that amount? Also, there have been many that volunteered their best years for service and became sick or injured. These individuals are asked to leave and hope that someone will volunteer to take care of them.
It appears that the perfect system has been created. Get non profit status as a religious organization, pay no taxes, get mothers and fathers to send their kids, work them hard, let them build your properties in the name of love, and if they get sick or hurt along the way===send them back home to Mom and Dad. They don't want to have anything to do with you again, because you are lame, or maybe someone in the congregation will help you out, however, while you figure that out=======start packing your bags and give us a 30 day notice, so it looks like you volunteered to leave.
Maybe Obama will give a Stimulus Package to all the Bethelites that got AND WILL GET RailRoaded. Hey, let's all send him a letter at the Big House